Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

simple life
Hey hey. My parents are Hoochie Mama and Nerdy Papa, hence my name is Nerdy Mama.
I wear a pair of thick-framed black glasses, which people complain are so nineteen-fifty. And I'm seen with a book wherever I go. I'm a science geek who wants to get into triple science class. My friends mock me for that, but of course the typical me don't give a damn.
-That's me

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Adrienne Brigid Cherrie Danielle Elena Frances Gloria Hanna Isla Janessa Katie Liesel Maria Noelle Oceané

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“life will be better if u keep moving”
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Monday, March 25, 2013 || 5:59 AM

‫بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم 

Assalammualaikum. jawab tauuuuuuuuu!

heyy guysss im back since my last post :D i know you guys must be waiting for my post right? :P booo aceceyy Anyway, right now im sitting in front of my lappy and im trying my best to type as fast as possible bcause my adik yang GENDUT want to use dizz laptopp --' little kid nowdays blablabla~ 

okeyy this year aku dah masuk sesi pagi.. its just the same mcm sesi petang homework bertimbunnnn :o ahhh god and this year jugak aku pmr! emm sumpah tension dengan softballnya lagi. game hanya tinggal beberapa hari je lagi and kitaorang akan buat yg terbaik inshaAllah :) but ada sikit masalah .. kitaorang tak cukup glove ada yg koyak lah itulah inilah loll.then, dapat lima glove baru from sekolah wooo! excited nihhh tapi shitt sangat semua glove yg sekolah bagi tuh synthetic leather emm cochon betul .. ni rasa nak mencarut nihh harharhar dah mencarut dah pun in french :p kdah diam abaikann. cuti seminggu nih kitaorang just training dekat polo takda tempat lain dahhh :3 barang sofbal semua seludup ambek bawak balik rumah sorang satu heee :D and senior ramai yang turun untuk training.. bestt tapi tak boleh mainnn muaahaaaaaa :3 aku memey kerja main jeh mcam kanakkanak ribena. sepanjang training aku bawak dua orang askar gendut aku untuk dijadikan kuli mengutip bola lolll :p

with le'seniors anne hathaway from L.A and k.dalila hoho:p

then, Happy birthday to the most wonderfully supportive, giving, loving and kind-hearted woman I have ever known! love you with all my heart and am so thankful for everything you do for me I love you mama and may Allah bless you always. Thanks for always taking care of me and loving me unconditionally. and dont forget my little bro too.birthday boyy sorry takda hadiah untuk hangg muahaaaa hanya bagi kasih sayangg xp I love you! esokkk pergi nandos celebrate birthday :P lulzz emm tapi tapii .... takda kaklonggg sedihhhhhh T.T dia tak dapat balikk hmm takpelahh. okaylahh thats all

kbye!Assalammualaikum :j