Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

simple life
Hey hey. My parents are Hoochie Mama and Nerdy Papa, hence my name is Nerdy Mama.
I wear a pair of thick-framed black glasses, which people complain are so nineteen-fifty. And I'm seen with a book wherever I go. I'm a science geek who wants to get into triple science class. My friends mock me for that, but of course the typical me don't give a damn.
-That's me

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Adrienne Brigid Cherrie Danielle Elena Frances Gloria Hanna Isla Janessa Katie Liesel Maria Noelle Oceané

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“life will be better if u keep moving”
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Lulz .
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 || 9:02 AM

Assalammualaikum (: hyeheyyhuyy . jawabb tauu , tak jawabb dosaa :3 

Okay mmg dah berkurun lamanya aku tak update blogg :3 lolollo . maklum ahh busy sikit sejak kebelakanngan nih xP busy dengan pelbagai homework  ;P hoho . and baru sekarang teringat nak update blogg -.-t  loll . and exam PAT  pun lagi satu hari jehh . and baru jeh study bm for komsas nd maths ~.~  mmg bagus sangat ahh kann (Y) tuh ahh bila ade masa lapang asik online  twitter , smpai tkada masa nak studyy :3 ishhishh , salah sendiri Lulz . next week pulak ade jamuan akhir tahun (; maybe tahun nih punye agak bosann sbb buat dalamm kelas jeh :3 tak rock . then tak boleh bawak camera -.-t waterparkk . last year boleh jeh kot bawakk :3 huwagghhh Btw , birthdayy saya ann ann ann  lagi duaabelass haghi jehh xP cant wait for that >< 30/10 hadiahh amat diperlukan pada tarikh tersebutt xP  huhu . andandd hari seterusnya birthday my #Oreooo Fadhlin Sakina  dialahh yg paleng aku sayang lagi dicintaii ;p puihh *bodek* ~.~ act , ramai lagi kawan yg birthday bulan october ^^v malas nak mentionn  .  Klahhh thats all ^^ mata dah bertukar jadi mata panda nihh O.O bye Assalammualaikumm :) 

Life Quotes, Life Quotes Images, Life Sayings